Fitness & Wellness Blog

As summer continues to blossom, we continue to combat feelings of doubt and stress when it comes to unnecessary “summer body” pressure. This mindset can easily take away from the experiences that you should be enjoying and the confidence within you. When it comes to feeling confident in a swimsuit, we like to focus on developing feel-good prep and self-love practices that will help us to embrace what we already possess, while polishing up our internal glow. Here are some ways to give your confidence a skyrocketing boost before hitting the beach in your suit.   Pick a suit that makes YOU feel comfortable. There are no rules or restrictions
In order to look and feel your best while walking down the aisle, it is essential to take the time to keep your stresses low and your spirits high. During the special time leading up to your wedding, you should take the time to take care of yourself rather than over-stressing about the details of the big day. In other words: try to worry less about the seating charts, and more about what’s in your heart. Here are some ways to turn that anticipatory energy inward and invest it where it really counts.     Get moving Getting yourself on a healthy fitness routine is a great way to feel strong and radiant
Exhale Barre: A workout for all levels and needs
An Exhale Barre class is a workout that will challenge you on many levels: strength, flexibility, endurance, and stamina. What makes this workout unique is that the exercises can be modified and tailored to your individual needs (prenatal + postnatal, men, teens, athletes, injuries, limitations —  you name it!).  Our program is built to make the workout work for you!   New to Barre? Your teacher will ask a few simple questions before class in order to better understand your limitations, potential modifications, needs and goals. That way your teacher can give you personalized barre challenges that work for you.   If a position or move is problematic, our teachers are trained to provide appropriate modifications that will keep your body challenged and moving while maintaining a safe workout.   Once class begins our teachers are
You made it. Winter has finally passed (thank you Arya Stark) and you are one step closer to sunny beach days, rooftop happy hours, and sizzling barbecues. Regardless of how you plan to spend your summer, now is the perfect time to step up your game with an active routine so you can feel strong, sexy, and confident for all that lies ahead!   Our diverse offering of fitness classes will have you dripping in sweat one day, and restoring your muscles on a mat another day. You'll lengthen your muscles and tone using your body weight as resistance in one class, and  move through hard-hitting prop-based circuits in another. Keeping your classes diverse keeps your metabolism revving and your body feeling strong, but it
Barre workouts combine challenging and engaging movements with focused concentration to build strength in both your mind and your body. Barre is a great fit for all fitness levels and is geared towards those looking to work every muscle and leave standing taller and feeling stronger!   We are breaking down some of our go-to leg-shaking barre moves while providing some alternative movements for potential sensitivities or injuries. Let’s break it down!     The move - Flat back chair      3 sets of 8 pulses with an 8 second hold at the end (pulse, mid range and full range of motion)   The technique: Parallel lines Knees over ankles 90-degree angle with knees bent
For those of us who have attempted the feat of a diet, we know how difficult it can be to stick to limitations while remaining satisfied and motivated. A diet can be considered a short-term approach towards achieving a health goal. The restrictions that go hand in hand with diets may work for some people to achieve a goal quickly, but it may not work for others. Some may find themselves frustrated if they do not see the results as quickly as they’d hoped, and some may feel imbalanced from the sudden change in regimen.   An alternative approach towards achieving a goal and bettering yourself is making tweaks to
The sun is out, the weather is sizzling hot and the beach is calling us! We always want to be fully prepared when we hit the beach, so that we don’t find ourselves stranded in the sand without sunscreen or even worse… without snacks! To help you get on your best beach game, we’ve curated a list of fabulous essentials to always keep in your beach bag, so you’ll never go hungry, thirsty, burnt or bored! Beach please!!   Lather up Protect your skin from the rays and keep reapplying throughout the day!   Beach workout anyone? Tune into an Exhale On Demand workout on your phone or iPad and fit in a cardio
Your day-to-day choices can make a strong impact on your overall wellbeing. From the time we wake up in the morning to the time we go to bed at night, our days are filled with choices and opportunity for positivity. By following these simple steps, you can make a big difference in your life and continue to better your wellbeing!       Be thankful Create a positive mindset for yourself that will set the tone for gratitude, motivation and overall wellbeing. In your free time, jot a few things down that you are grateful for in your life.   Eat breakfast Each day is a fresh start! So, kick off that
Developing a healthy and sustainable lifestyle doesn’t happen on its own — it takes planning and goal-setting. While this initially may seem like a daunting task, lots of small steps will in time, lead to big results. This is why we’ve put together a guide to get you motivated and keep you consistent. All of a sudden, reaching those goals doesn’t seem so out of reach.   Set realistic goals and expectations. Set yourself up for success by implementing a plan that is attainable enough to keep you encouraged and engaged – while challenging you along the way! Don’t get frustrated if you don’t see the results right away. Trust the process and
MYTHBUSTERS – Fitness Edition
It can be easy to let the common fitness misconceptions distract us from our goals and the proper ways to get there. Many people allow themselves to become influenced by these misleading ideas, and therefor risk taking on unhealthy habits and unrealistic fitness goals. In an effort to stop these misconceptions from dictating our fitness journeys, we are busting some of most common myths one by one and setting the record straight! Let’s get busting.   Lifting weights leads to bulk False! Weights are a great way to increase your lean muscle mass and boost your body’s productivity when it comes to calorie burning. So next time you’re in an Exhale class, embrace
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