Fitness Expert: Bergen Wheeler, Director of Fitness Innovation
Spa Expert: Sam Masciari, Lead Aesthetician at Exhale Spa Upper East Side

Many of us may not be aware of the importance of lymphatic health and how it affects our bodies. Your lymphatic system works to eliminate toxins and waste in your body, which helps to maintain a balanced immune system, healthy circulation, and while keeping inflammation at bay. The more we can stimulate the drainage of our lymphatic system, the stronger our bodies and the healthier our skin. All of these benefits are essential in carrying on balanced day-to-day wellbeing, and luckily for us, we had some experts at Exhale weigh in on the topic and give us tips on how we can achieve lymphatic drainage both at Exhale and at home!

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When you’re stuck at home, it can be a challenge to maintain consistency with your fitness routine. It takes self-discipline, motivation, and a strong mindset to keep your wellbeing going. One way that we at Exhale like to keep ourselves on track is to mix…it…up. Variety brings a whole different light to working out by keeping your body guessing and most importantly… having some fun. Here are three at-home workouts that we’ve hand-picked to give you the perfect balance and a taste of multiple modalities! Here’s the lineup.

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Summer is now officially upon us! We hope that your days begin to fill up with sunshine, margaritas, a little beach action, and loads of socially distanced fun. While we still need to maintain safe strategies to ensure that we keep ourselves and everyone around us healthy, we know that this summer will be jam-packed with all the sizzling bliss that we’re craving. To kick things off, we’ve curated a summertime wellbeing guide to ensure that your days are filled with all things happy, healthy, and strong all season long.

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My life journey began in a town of 400 and my food journey began in Chicago when I was 11, with a piece of Salisbury Steak. (if you went to school in the States like me, then your lunch likely sucked… and it likely included Salisbury Steak.)

For those that don’t know, Salisbury Steak* is the epitome of processed food. Animal parts, gluten-y binders and unpronounceable preservatives formed into a patty…with grill marks PAINTED on them.

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We can likely all agree that this has been one of the craziest years we’ve experienced. We’ve all learned a lot about ourselves, our priorities, and our stresses. When we find ourselves in times of increased challenge, we tend to learn the most about what we actually need in order to maintain our wellbeing and preserve the best possible versions of ourselves.

With only a number of weeks remaining this year, we are determined to make the best of what we’ve got left. Here are the top ten ways we’re making the best of the rest of 2020.

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The holidays are here…and they’re looking a little different this year. As we deal with the realities of our majorly unwelcomed guest (we all know their name), we are forced to rethink the way we celebrate the holidays to ensure that we stay strong, healthy, and most importantly…safe.

This year, we should be using this holiday season as a chance to take a step back from our day-to-day stresses to touch base with ourselves, develop some fresh goals for the new year, and (virtually) reconnect with those that we love. The overall goal? Fill this month with as much warmth and positivity as we can. That means keeping ourselves and those that we care about healthy. Luckily, we have tons of tips to keep you on your wellbeing game this holiday season.

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This unconventional time we are all experiencing has brought with it a lot of changes that can make us feel disconnected from the things we’re used to. From the ease of dining at your favorite restaurant, to the thrilling sense of community when you walk through the door of your go-to fitness studio, we are now challenged to rethink and transform these simple but fundamental habits in a way that keeps us healthy and safe.

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Here’s what’s in the stars for you this summer – and what you’ll need most at exhale.

Don’t be surprised as emotions arise with Mars in retrograde this month. Power through them in the studio, and instead of letting them overrule your actions, focus on you instead.

This month brings the sun and Venus (your ruling planet) together, and that means it’s your time to indulge. Cue some serious spa time, and with the new moon’s little income boost, an opportunity to invest in your wellness.

It’s your birthday season – cue sun, celebrations, and a whole lot of me-time. If there’s ever a time for a spa day, that time is now. Oh, and look for a little something in your inbox from yours truly.

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If you’re active, busy, and constantly plugged into emails and texts (sounds familiar…) getting an hour-long massage sounds like an indulgence you don’t have time for. But here’s your wake-up call: it could be the most productive hour of your week, especially if you’re very active.

Here’s why. Our bodies respond to everything we do – the workouts, that Sunday evening couch potato hour (or two!), and even those few minutes spent texting – it all impacts our circulation, sleep patterns, anxiety, and muscle balance. Along with a myriad of other benefits, here are the top 6 reasons why your body is craving that post-workout massage, according to our experts.

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By Emily McNeely, exhale’s Marketing Coordinator + Copywriter (and new Cardio convert!)

I’m just going to come right out and say it: cardio is not my thing. As a former professional ballet and modern dancer, I recall (with a grimace) the many hours I spent on a treadmill attempting to increase my stamina for a grueling winter season. Let’s just say, I made it through Nutcracker, but that stamina didn’t stick around. Neither did the six-pack.

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