Everything you want to know about Exhale’s Floating Meditation, straight from the creator, Elisabeth Halfpapp. Plus, a special Meditation Month offer at the bottom of this post! A weightless surrendering to yourself as you tune out and float effortlessly in a 30-minute guided meditation with your body being held and supported in a silk hammock. The first time I experienced this relaxing, calming effect was at Miraval Arizona (an Exhale’s sister resort) as just the meditative component without the restorative poses. When I developed a similar class for Exhale, I thought the addition of restorative stretches after a breathing meditation in stillness would help the physical body surrender deeper with more relaxed muscles and mind. When the mind is relaxed the body tends to follow, resulting in a deeper stretch. Also with some guided restorative stretches/poses, the transition back to the “real world” was a little easier. Some of the restorative poses inside and out of the silk, while incorporating the silks are: • Savasana • Hip/hamstring stretches • Child’s pose and extended child’s pose variations • Forward folds • Down dog, up dog, and plank variations During the meditation section, gentle rocking is an option, which is enables you to “float” better. Throughout the entire session, breathing is an active focus which helps to detangle the mind. You may start to fall asleep, which is fine, however, we do encourage you stay awake and aware in order to experience the full benefits. You can always sit upright if you tend to fall asleep or feel uncomfortable being cocooned. There is soothing healing music played through your own personal head phones that enables you to also hear the teacher guide you through the meditation while zoning out external noises — a true calming of the senses. Inhale inspiration…Exhale transformation…..equals WELLBEING as we “float’ together! SOME FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS: What should I wear? Comfortable workout attire is recommended. Socks are required. Jewelry that will snag the silks should be left at home. What if I’m sensitive to motion? Rocking is optional, but if you’re sensitive to motion we encourage you to opt out. What happens if I fall asleep? Due to the swaddling-like nature of this experience you may fall asleep. However, we encourage you to stay awake in order to experience the full benefits. Sitting in an upright position is an option. Who is this class for? Floating meditation is open to all level; no experience is necessary. Weight limit is 350lbs. So there you have it! No, you don’t need to be an aerial expert. No, you don’t have to be a meditation expect – you just need to give 30 minutes of your time to feel calm, recharged, and a better sense of overall wellbeing. And as a special for National Meditation Month, we’re offering our Chicago Guests FREE Floating Meditation Classes, May 13-19, 2019. Call 312.753.6500 to book your free class
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