By: Madison Wright
exhale blog coordinator + core fusion teacher

Announcing exhale’s very first Bridal Boot Camp Couple!! That’s right, shaping up before the big day is no longer just for the ladies, it’s spanning the sexes and exhale’s got your sneak peek into the fitness journey of a lifetime!

Meet Kathryn Campbell and William Earls. Their story is truly one for the millennials, an 85% compatibility factor on a dating site helped spark the chemistry between these two lovebirds, leading to truelove and a “partner-n-crime” type of bond. No, they’re not actually criminals; this Bonne and Clyde duo are putting their energy towards more productive things like traveling the world and seeking out adventure at every corner they turn, together.

We invite you to share in their story as they embark on their next big adventure, Groom and Bridal Boot Camp! Check back in to the blog to catch updates of this lovely duo toning their bodies in the studio, shining their skin with beautifying exhale spa facials and finding their mental zen before their big day (September 26th!).

Stay tuned…..