by: madison wright, ms
blog coordinator + core fusion teacher

Say namaste to National Yoga Month with exhale’s fifth annual yoga party on Thursday, September 24th! Our celebration of yoga, which we’ve appropriately (and cleverly, if we may) designated “namasDAY,” offers complimentary yoga classes (at participating locations) to any and every one! So whether you’re a yogi pro, yogi novice, or never yoga’d before, come and get your yoga flow on with rhythmical beats (in some locations, to a live DJ!) and highly acclaimed yoga teachers.

After class enjoy the namasDAY festivities; complimentary mini spa therapies, lite bites, and delicious TY·KU sake. There will also be lots of guest trunk shows for your shopping pleasure in our wellbeing boutique! To book your complimentary class at your nearest, participating exhale location, visit us online here.

And… even if you can’t make it to one of our yoga classes, come by anyway to enjoy the namasDAY festivities – open to all!