Here’s what’s in the stars for you this summer – and what you’ll need most at exhale.

Don’t be surprised as emotions arise with Mars in retrograde this month. Power through them in the studio, and instead of letting them overrule your actions, focus on you instead.

This month brings the sun and Venus (your ruling planet) together, and that means it’s your time to indulge. Cue some serious spa time, and with the new moon’s little income boost, an opportunity to invest in your wellness.

It’s your birthday season – cue sun, celebrations, and a whole lot of me-time. If there’s ever a time for a spa day, that time is now. Oh, and look for a little something in your inbox from yours truly.

Our birthday’s coming up too – and with a full moon in your healthy living zone at the same time, this is your year to kick the Core Fusion into high gear. Balance it with a little spa time and soothe those sore muscles.

The sun heads into Cancer this month, and that’s your 12th house of rest and rejuvenation. Cue detox time at exhale (think a calming class and spa therapy) and detox your emotional life, too – now’s the time.

The sun and Venus join together this month in your 10th house of prestige and leadership. Now’s your time to slay it – get strong in the studio and out. We’ll see you in Core Fusion Extreme (and maybe at the spa later, recovering.)

Venus + the sun head into Cancer this month – that’s your 10th house of ambition, and these three mean business. Then Jupiter + Pluto align later this month, and they insist you recharge. July will be equally busy, so book some spa time + studio time and treat yourself.

The next full moon lights up your income zone, then later this summer, Mars turns directs and powers through your sign. Then Venus heads into Cancer lighting up your freedom house. This means it’s your time to grow + explore – just make some time to exhale amid all that travel and success.

The sun and Venus join in your partnership zone this summer, and it’s all about new beginnings in your love life. But with Mars in retrograde in your codependent 12th house, you’ll be in need of some balance. Spend just an hour in the studio and get centered amid all that summer lovin’.

The sun and Venus are in your healthy living house this summer. Focus on how you want to feel, and use all the exhale tools to get there – Core Fusion barre, cardio, yoga, and HIIT training are on your to-do list.

The sun visits Cancer (aka, your wellness house) this month. Build some spa time and sweat time into your summer routine – the more, the better.

Venus prompts some serious nesting this month, and now’s the time for a little self-care too. Spruce up with a spa therapy, plus a little something for home from our wellbeing boutique.