While most of us are continuing our day-to-day routines from home, it’s important to adapt healthy habits that can help us maintain our success both in our jobs and for our overall wellbeing. In order to take care of business…we have to take care of ourselves!

Here are some easy-to-adapt tips from an Exhale HQ associate — who has been “WFH” for the past few years — that will help us preserve our success and keep the momentum going!

Try to maintain your normal work routine, which includes getting up at the same time and getting ready in the morning. It is okay to put on comfy clothes but skipping the shower will make you feel gross all day.

Check in with your team even if you do not have anything specific to review. There are a lot of things that are missed when you don’t see each other daily. It will help to keep us connected. 

Be your own advocate
Instead of waiting for someone to check in with you, let them know what you are up to or what you have accomplished.

Have a dedicated workspace
This can be tough if you don’t have a home office, but it is very important to sit in a good position and keep organized while you’re working from home. It is also just as important to be able to get up and walk away from your work at the end of the day. 

Schedule several breaks a day to get a little movement or exercise.
It is easy to spend too many hours not moving when you’re working without interruptions. Start a load of laundry, run an errand, sweep the floor. I take several short breaks everyday and it really keeps me focused (and my house clean). I also try to keep my phone in another room. This way I get up to check it but am only checking it briefly while I am taking a break.

Be patient, the server is slower.
Your screen is smaller. You probably don’t have a printer. You must make your own coffee. Although you are not as efficient as being in the office you add a lot of time to your day by not commuting. It will get easier as you get used to it. Take advantage of this time to work on lower priority projects that our normal workload has not permitted us to do.

Enjoy the perks. Turn up the music. Put on a sheet mask. Talk to your pets. Make a real breakfast. Be comfortable.