The holidays are here…and they’re looking a little different this year. As we deal with the realities of our majorly unwelcomed guest (we all know their name), we are forced to rethink the way we celebrate the holidays to ensure that we stay strong, healthy, and most importantly…safe.
This year, we should be using this holiday season as a chance to take a step back from our day-to-day stresses to touch base with ourselves, develop some fresh goals for the new year, and (virtually) reconnect with those that we love. The overall goal? Fill this month with as much warmth and positivity as we can. That means keeping ourselves and those that we care about healthy. Luckily, we have tons of tips to keep you on your wellbeing game this holiday season.

By: Madison Wright
Blog Coordinator + Core Fusion Teacher
Labor Day Weekend is here and we all know what that means; hightailing it to a relaxing warm place where we can soak up the last few rays of the summer sun and let loose with a bit of carefree over indulgence before we have to get back to the “real world.”
In our fast-paced, information overload society, let loose weekends like Labor Day are incredibly important for a properly balanced mind, body and spirit. But just because you’re kicking back, doesn’t mean you have to go AWOL on your healthy habits. Doing just a few health conscience things each day can really make a big difference. Let me explain…