By: Dr. Robert MacDonald, National Director of Healing 1. SIMPLE MEDITATIONUse this quick mindfulness technique to help focus (or refocus), and notice how your energy shifts towards empowered positivity. Take ten seconds to close your eyes. Inhale and exhale. Visualize a color (or a mantra of your choice) – picture it in your mind’s eye. Let it fill you. Then open your eyes. 2. AFTER-WORK RESET: Perfect for your after-work commute, this super-simple meditation helps you reset from the work day.

by: madison wright, ms
blog coordinator + core fusion teacher
Say namaste to National Yoga Month with exhale’s fifth annual yoga party on Thursday, September 24th! Our celebration of yoga, which we’ve appropriately (and cleverly, if we may) designated “namasDAY,” offers complimentary yoga classes (at participating locations) to any and every one! So whether you’re a yogi pro, yogi novice, or never yoga’d before, come and get your yoga flow on with rhythmical beats (in some locations, to a live DJ!) and highly acclaimed yoga teachers.