veryone wants to feel refreshed and fab on a daily basis. A good night sleep (at least 8 hours) recharges and refuels you so you wake up with a strong body, sharp mind and slay-the-day attitude. Read below for 5 benefits of getting a good night’s sleep, and our 5 tips to help you get there! 


  You’re working hard towards your fitness goals. You have a vision in sight, and the motivation to get there. You’ve tuned up your diet, built time into your day for exercise, and you’ve made the switch from soda to water. Great! But did you build rest into your routine?   A rest day is the one day of the week when you deliberately don’t work out or push yourself hard. Both awake and asleep, rest is important to your fitness goals because it allows your muscles and cardiovascular system to recover and rebuild. Working hard every day to reach your goals without rest may feel like the most productive path, however, it can actually lead to overtraining and injury. So, what should you do on your day off?   Active Rest Days If you’re the type of person that can’t sit still on a day off, you might want to consider planning a bit of active rest into your day. This will allow you to “clean” your muscles of any built-up lactic acid and get in tune with your body at a slower pace. Over time, as your fitness improves, you may even be able to incorporate more intense exercise on a rest day, because it will take more work to raise your heart rate. Keep the following in mind on your active rest days:   • Keep the pace low: You should be able to hold a conversation during active rest activities. A very light jog, hike, or bike ride are all great ideas.   • Watch your heart rate: Below 130 BPM is a normal target. Anything above that can trigger hormones to release which are associated with physical stress, canceling out your goal of recovery.  


iving her something you know she’ll enjoy. Now is the time to thank her for powering through those hectic mornings, for the endless advice, and for always believing in your dreams.     We know that finding the perfect gift can be an overwhelming task — which is why we’ve created this Exhale-approved collection of Mother’s Day gifts that are sure to make mom’s day.


Father’s Day is right around the corner, and the highly varied interests of fathers, husbands, brothers and friends can seem like a vast unknown when it comes to looking for a gift. Rather than the go-to patterned tie to add to his hefty collection, we’ve curated a collection of gifts that will really leave an impression!                           


In order to look and feel your best while walking down the aisle, it is essential to take the time to keep your stresses low and your spirits high. During the special time leading up to your wedding, you should take the time to take care of yourself rather than over-stressing about the details of the big day. In other words: try to worry less about the seating charts, and more about what’s in your heart. Here are some ways to turn that anticipatory energy inward and invest it where it really counts.

Get moving Getting yourself on a healthy fitness routine is a great way to feel strong and radiant for the big day. It’s also the perfect way to channel your hyped up energy!
Take a breath This is a special time, not a stressful time. Build yourself up to become the most cool, calm and collected bride anyone’s ever seen. Take a yoga class to re-center yourself, or dive into some mindful meditation. It’s all about love, so don’t forget to show yourself some.
Sleep Beauty sleep will bring you that natural, beaming glow that every bride wants. So get yourself to bed early with a cup of tea and a juicy reality show and get those Z’s.
Eat right Clean eating will keep your stomach happy and your skin glowing. Fight off those pre-wedding butterflies with calming foods that will not irritate your stomach.
Show your nails some love You’ll be looking down at your hands a lot (hello bling) so give yourself something beautiful to look at.
Manage your time Don’t let things build up and bite you in the butt. Set aside time each day to take whatever bridal duties you may have, but then set everything aside and allot time for focusing on yourself. Websites like Zola make registry and wedding planning easy! (Pro Tip: Add Exhale to your registry for spa therapies and fitness classes to help get you ready for your big day!)
Love your body The dress is meant to fit your body, not the other way around. So whatever your goals are, don’t let them get the best of you. Toning up before the big day can help you to feel fierce and fit is healthy, but don’t let it stress you out!
Embrace your friends Friendship is a big part of self-care. The people we choose to laugh with can bring a sense of comforting support that will keep you feeling like you.
Know that it’s okay to be selfish Don’t shy away from putting yourself first. Listen to yourself and give yourself whatever you need to feel strong and centered for your day. Get a rejuvenating facial or massage to refresh your skin and your body.
Treat yourself. That’s right, give yourself something special. Treat yourself to a weekend away with your girls, or splurge on that pair of earrings you’ve been eye-ing! That self-fulfillment will give you the confidence and spirit to enjoy your day to its fullest!