By: Madison Wright
Blog Coordinator + Core Fusion Teacher
Labor Day Weekend is here and we all know what that means; hightailing it to a relaxing warm place where we can soak up the last few rays of the summer sun and let loose with a bit of carefree over indulgence before we have to get back to the “real world.”
In our fast-paced, information overload society, let loose weekends like Labor Day are incredibly important for a properly balanced mind, body and spirit. But just because you’re kicking back, doesn’t mean you have to go AWOL on your healthy habits. Doing just a few health conscience things each day can really make a big difference. Let me explain…

By: Fred DeVito, exhale co-founder and the ultimate fitness aficionado
As a young barre teacher, back in the 80’s and 90’s, most students came to my class 4-5 times a week like clockwork. They loved the technique — because it challenged them constantly and it gave them fast and noticeable results. Back then, it was fashionable to be consistent with one method that worked.

By: Emily McNeely, exhale enthusiast, copywriter, dancer and (newly committed) Barre + Yoga devotee
It’s why I fell in love with exhale in the first place: balance. Whether it’s the balance of spa and fitness, of energy and mindfulness, of strength and flexibility — or the challenging balance in chair position on the mat, heels up, arms stretched wide, finding your center. That’s why I fell in love with exhale’s new class, Barre + Yoga.
The latest brainchild of exhale’s co-founder, former ballet dancer, and barre legend Elisabeth Halfpapp, Barre + Yoga blends two classes into one powerful, balanced hour. For the first half of class, you’re in Core Fusion Barre mode — toning up with hand weights, planks, thigh and glute work.
Then, seamlessly, you switch gears and move into an athletic yoga flow. After a series of Warrior sequences, you move to seated yoga poses and a core section, complete with the classic Core Fusion curl. Then you end the hour with a mindful moment in Savasana.

For those of us who have attempted the feat of a diet, we know how difficult it can be to stick to limitations while remaining satisfied and motivated. A diet can be considered a short-term approach towards achieving a health goal. The restrictions that go hand in hand with diets may work for some people to achieve a goal quickly, but it may not work for others. Some may find themselves frustrated if they do not see the results as quickly as they’d hoped, and some may feel imbalanced from the sudden change in regimen. An alternative approach towards achieving a goal and bettering yourself is making tweaks to your overall lifestyle. A healthy lifestyle takes into consideration how you approach exercise, how you manage your time, how you deal with stress, how you speak to yourself