Hometown: Dallas, TX

What I do at exhale: Mind Body Manager, Core Fusion teacher and yoga teacher

My background: I grew up playing every sport in the book, and in high school started competitive cheerleading. I went to Pepperdine University, majored in Political Science and History, and then moved to DC right after college and started my career on Capitol Hill. Fast forward 5 years and I was working in a corporate finance job in Dallas, when I started part time teaching Core Fusion at exhale. I’d discovered a new passion and my career path took a quick and unexpected turn! I left spreadsheets behind and took the position as Mind Body Manager and I love it!

My certifications: Core Fusion, 200 Hr RYT through Organic Souls

Favorite neighborhood spot: Indoors is probably Whole Foods, there is something therapeutic to me about grocery shopping. Outdoors, anywhere I can run/walk with my dog. And Klyde Warren Park is awesome, exhale sponsors yoga in the park every Sunday morning, and it’s become my favorite way to start my Sundays.

My favorite local restaurant is: True Food Kitchen, I never get sick of that place. I’m a pescetarian and there are so many delicious, meat free options there. And they make a killer almond milk latte.

What’s in my gym bag: The real question is, what ISN’T in my gym bag! Extra set of workout clothes. Dry shampoo. Moroccan oil hairspray. About 7 different types of tea. My little black book (it’s actually gold) of yoga and Core Fusion sequences. Green band. My dog’s leash. And there’s always a bit of dark chocolate. Luckily, my bag has lots of compartments .

What song do I have on repeat: I’ve been listening to Want to Want Me by Jason Derulo, more than my office mate (and fellow Core Fusion teacher) Toyah Thomson probably appreciates. Also, listening to One Direction is one of my guilty pleasures. What can I say, I’m a top 40 girl.

What’s in my refrigerator right now: I usually only stock my staples. Coconut milk, chia pods, guacamole hummus and prosecco. I’m not home much, so I like to keep it simple.

My typical day including meals: My dog, Beans, is usually the first line of defense getting me out of bed. He is far more determined than my iPhone alarm. Coffee and breakfast (green juices and smoothies are my breakfast go to), and then I’m ready to face the world. If I don’t have an early class to teach, I’ll usually spend about an hour walking my dog and planning my classes, it’s also my time to scout Spotify for new music to keep my playlists fresh.

When I’m not teaching, I take class with: All of our teachers, every chance I can get. Since I teach so many Core Fusion classes, I make extra effort to get into the yoga room to balance my practice. Special shout out to Susie Caicedo, who showed me that in addition to being centering, yoga can also be athletic and powerful.

When I’m not at exhale: I’m with friends, family, my dog, or all three. I’m a complete extrovert, I love being around people. I am really lucky to have an amazing community in Dallas.

Fun Fact about myself: I love theme parks. Like beyond love. One of my close friends and I go to Six Flags over Texas once a year, and it is one of my favorite days, start to finish.

I’ll admit it, my quirk is: I’m really competitive by nature. I used to have total stage 5 meltdowns about losing when I was little. I’m much better about it now, but I still have internal temper tantrums every once in a while.

At my core, I am: Completely ridiculous. There aren’t a lot of things I won’t do for a laugh. My friends have stories.

Find me online!
Instagram: kghoffman