Hometown: Milwaukee, Wisconsin

What I do at exhale: Mind Body Manager/Core Fusionista!
My background: My movement background is rooted in dance and performance. I started dancing at a young age and was participating in sports throughout my school years alongside it. I went to college and studied dance performance and choreography and expanded my craft by performing in musical theater productions. After receiving my BFA from the University of Milwaukee-Wisconsin, Peck School of the Arts, I danced in many companies and traveled performing with various musicians and recording artists such as Kanye West.
My certifications: BFA Dance, Core Fusion
Favorite neighborhood spot: The Lake Front Path. I’ve started running since moving to Chicago and try to run a half-marathon each summer. When we’re not in the middle of a polar vortex it is quite serene, which is unique being right next to a city scape.
My favorite local restaurant is Dry Hop: A new micro brewery located a block from my apartment. It has one of the best burgers and a hometown feeling inside. Plus, being a Wisconsin girl, I love me some good beer!
What’s in my gym bag: Stretchy black pants, make-up bag, perfume, snacks, Exhale socks, planner.
What song do I have on repeat: Anything Beyonce….DUH!
What’s in my refrigerator right now: Berries, greens, water, beer, almond milk, greek yogurt, leftovers.
My typical day: Wake up around 7:30am. Brew some coffee and get ready for work. Head in to exhale to teach or take class. Stay to do some administrative work in the office. Head home and order in dinner. Hang out with my handsome husband. Turn on my favorite Netflix re-run and decompress.
When I’m not teaching, I take class with: Claire Mckeveny-Shaal. She is amazing! We have similar movement backgrounds and I trust her to my core to work me out and keep me safe. She throws a party in her studio, and it’s FUN! She challenges me to try new things in yoga and gets me sweating in her Core Fusion Barre+Cardio.
When I’m not at exhale: I am either shopping (grocery or clothing) or sitting on the couch! I LOVE shopping. Put me in a grocery store or near my favorite boutique and I’m in trouble! Having fresh food and a cute new top gives me the biggest surge!
Other than that…I am constantly sweating and schlepping around the city…so when I have a second to sit and surf the web or watch a movie I take it.
Fun Fact about myself: I am a closeted hip-hop dancer and really would love to learn how to DJ!
I’ll admit it, my quirk is: I am as goofy as I am tough.
At my core, I am: A believer and a dreamer

Find Holly on Instagram: @fit_fiercechicago