The debate regarding flu shots and vaccinations has always been a hot one, but no matter what side of the road you are on, daily fresh juices are essential to your health, especially during the colder months… especially now.
Here are 6 common and not so common immunity boosting juices for juice “detox” and to help combat the cold and flu season.
Remember, the idea of detoxing your whole body with one substance or by not eating for an extended period of time sounds like a great idea but is absolutely not true! Detoxing is an ongoing process which works best in combination with a lot of sleep amongst other things. It takes time, energy, work and the right information to get healthy and stay that way.
With that said, there is no magic bullet but the “shots” below will surely do a body good.
Hi-C: Kiwifruit contains about 3 times more immunity boosting vitamin C than oranges (average 60mg per fruit).
Sleep Aid: New research reports that the high amounts of antioxidants and serotonin in kiwifruit have been shown to significantly benefit sleep length and quality.
Digestive: Kiwifruit contains actinidin, a protein-dissolving enzyme that aids in digestion while eating the fuzzy skin triples fiber intake and acts a natural laxative property that helps to detoxify the intestinal tract.
Muscle Builder: The high content of the electrolyte potassium in kiwifruit helps to maintain healthy muscles (average 215mg per fruit).
Low Glycemic: Kiwifruit has an average GI of 47 which won’t cause a sugar rush and is safe for diabetics.
Vitamin Champion: Kale contains more absorbed calcium than a container of milk and more Vitamin A than any other leafy green and more vitamin C than an orange.
New Antiox alert: Researchers have found 45 newly discovered antioxidants in Kale including quercetin, a flavonoid that acts as an antihistamine to reduce symptoms of allergies and other disorders.
Hack your Kale: An acid in citrus helps make kale’s iron more absorbable while tenderizing it. Add it to juice or massage it into salad.
Winter Flavor: Cold weather improves the texture and flavor of growing kale.
K is for Kale: T he massive amount of Vitamin K contained in Kale makes it a winner for strong bones and teeth. Vitamin K is also known as blood clotter so avoid large amounts if you are taking any blood- thinning medications. (average 550mg per cup, over 600% of the US RDV)
Better than cough syrup: P ineapple contains high levels of bromelain, an anti – inflammatory, muscle relaxant, and digestive aiding enzyme. Researchers found that the raw extracts from pineapple had the ability to suppress coughs and decrease mucus five times faster than standard cough syrup. Bromelain can be found mostly in the core of the pineapple, where a good amount can be extracted through juicing.
Big C: One cup of pineapple contains almost 80mg of Vitamin C, 88% of US RDV.
Mood Booster: Helps to produce seratonin, which is a sleep aid and mood lifter. NOTE: Certain food dyes such as Yellow #5 prevents B-6 from properly being absorbed. Unfortunately it’s found in everything from candy to salad. Learn more about Yellow #5 and its dangers here.
Copper: In addition to helping the immune system, this mineral contains good anti-aging
properties. Lou Gherig’s disease is thought to be the result of a copper-related enzyme not functioning correctly.
Iron: This mineral works together with copper to prevent anemia and fatigue.
Sweet Potato
Skin Saver: Clocking in at 102% of the US RDV, Vitamin A is a major player in skin tissue maintenance as well as a wrinkle and acne reducer.
Iron Lion: Iron is essential for healthy immune function.
Good fat: Consuming sweet potatoes with a little fat enables beta carotene and the other fat-soluble nutrients to be absorbed effectively by the body. Add 1 or more tablespoons of coconut, olive or avocado oil to smoothies, salads or juices for a flavorful boost. Looking for a filling juice? Try my Good Fat juice recipe.
De-stress: Sweet potatoes are a source of magnesium, which aids in relaxation.
Big B6: Vitamin B6 helps reduce the chemical homocysteine in our bodies. Homocysteine has been linked with degenerative diseases, including the prevention of heart attacks.
Booze News: A recent Chinese study found that a compound in garlic (diallyl disulfide) may help to protect against alcohol induced liver injury.
High C: Garlic has been shown to be an anti-inflammatory and have anti-bacterial and anti-viral activities due to its vitamin C content.
Broad-spectrum Bully: According to studies, the body does not seem to show a resistance to the antibiotic benefits of garlic, making it stronger than pharmaceutical antibiotics.
Daily Dose: The daily use of garlic may reduce the frequency and number of colds and its antibacterial properties help in treating throat irritations.
Respiratory Rescue: Garlic may also reduce the severity of upper respiratory tract infections, asthma and chronic bronchitis. It is an excellent expectorant (phlem loosener/ eliminator.
The Underdog: Quince is often overlooked for various reasons, mainly due to its sharp taste but I figure it was worth mentioning as it’s in season. It has good amounts of
Vitamin C, iron, copper and antioxidants.
Flu Fighter: New studies show that Quince has great anti-viral capabilities helping to protect against colds, flus and other viruses.
A few are great on their own, others not so much (ahem, quince), but all are better when mixed with other juices. These and all juices are great year round for general maintenance and are imperative to any juice detox regimen.
Note: All figures are based on the whole raw food, juicing on average doubles these figures