By Sophie Barnett, exhale guest + fitness enthusiast

I’m a long time devotee of all things Core Fusion, so when the new Core Fusion Extreme (CFX) class came out, I had to give it a try—and I certainly was not disappointed! In this post, I’ll address the most common questions surrounding taking CFX for the first time!

Q: Is Core Fusion Extreme just an extreme version of the other Core Fusion classes?

A: No! CFX is entirely new to exhale, and it’s a HIIT class. HIIT (high intensity interval training) workouts involve performing exercises at your maximum capacity for a short period of time, followed by intermittent periods of active recovery. Because you’re moving the entire time, your heart rate remains steady throughout the whole workout, maximizing your capacity for burning fat.

Q: Core Fusion “Extreme” sounds hard. Do I have to be in amazing shape to take the class?

A: No—though taking it will put you on the fast track to the best shape of your life. Students are encouraged to move at their own pace throughout the class, and the teacher offers modifications for the harder exercises. Exhale emphasizes quality of form over quantity of reps, however, once you’re in there, I can guarantee you’ll be inspired to work your hardest!

Q: Can I bring my boyfriend?

A: Of course! Fast-paced, high-energy HIIT classes reap fat burning, muscle building benefits, and the results of CFX are equally appealing for both genders. I have a guy friend who tried it (and is now an addict) and tells me ANY guy will be hooked after trying it just once because it covers all the muscles guys care about showing off.

Q: How will Core Fusion Extreme complement my other exhale class routines?

A: Whether you attend Core Fusion multiple times per week or consider yourself more of a “yoga person”, there’s room for CFX in your schedule. Taking the class midweek is a great way to break up your regular routine and provide you with the energy you need to get through the week. If you’re feeling sore afterwards, Exhale Chill Yoga is a great way to relax after the fast-paced class.

Q: How does the class work?

A: The room is divided into stations, which include everything from plyo boxes to gliders to TRX suspension equipment. When you check in for your class, the front desk associate will provide you with a numbered card. This number corresponds to the station where you’ll start. You’ll begin with a warm-up during which the instructor will demonstrate the exercises for each station—they’re also posted on the wall, and your classmates will be happy to help in the event that you forget one. Each station consists of two exercises. You’ll perform the each exercise for 40 seconds twice, with a break in between. CFX consists of two rounds at each station—the second round includes active recovery between each exercise. You’ll wrap things up with the craziest core workout I’ve ever experienced.

Core Fusion Extreme may be different than all of the other exhale classes—but it’s an amazing addition to their award-winning repertoire. The combination of barreyoga, and HIIT will keep you lean and strong—and if you want to achieve the best body you can in 2015, trust me, book a CFX class TODAY—just don’t forget your sneakers!

Sign up for a Core Fusion Extreme class here!