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From healthy patriotic cocktails to fun wellbeing activities, we’ve planned the perfect, exhale-approved July 4th party (so you don’t have to.) SNACKS PATRIOTIC POPS – Fresh or frozen mixed berries (blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, blackberries – use any combo of these red, white, and blue beauties!) – Fresh strawberries, sliced – 1 cup coconut water (Lemonade also works) – Vanilla Greek yogurt – Popsicle molds or small paper cups + sticks How to Make Them: 1. Combine coconut water and Greek yogurt 2. Mix in berries 3. Pour into popscicle molds 4. Freeze WATERMELON CAKE – 1 large seedless watermelon – 2 cans full fat coconut milk (left in fridge for 6 hours or more) – 1/2 tsp. vanilla extract – 1 Tbsp. raw honey – Mixed berries – Flax seeds How to Make It: 1. Open the can of coconut milk and scrape out the cream into a medium sized bowl. (Save the milk for smoothies later.) Add vanilla and honey, then combine hand mixer on medium speed and work your way up to high speed until the cream is fluffy, about 5 minutes. Refrigerate. 2. Cut the watermelon into your favorite “cake” shape by slicing each end, then cutting out the center into a cylinder. 3. Pat the outside of the watermelon dry with paper towels so the whipped cream will stick. 4. Spread whipped cream over the watermelon, and top with fresh berries as desired. 5. Sprinkle flax seeds on top. 6. Serve with sparklers to feel festive, healthy, and gram-worthy. SIPS BERRY ROSE SANGRIA – 1 (750 mL) bottle rose wine – 1 cup strawberries, thinly sliced – 1/2 cup raspberries – 1/2 cup blackberries – 1/2 cup blueberries – 12 ounces Pamplemousse La Croix soda How to Make It: 1. In a large pitcher, whisk together rose wine, strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, blueberries. 2. Let chill in refrigerator for at least 1 hour. 3. Serve over ice with lemon-lime soda. WELL-BEING ACTIVITY IDEAS 1. Dance! Throw on some music and get moving – you’ll have fun, and stay active without even realizing you’re exercising. 2. Make it a skincare party with blue face masks! Combine blueberries, lemon juice, and argan oil (it’s packed with twice the amount of Vitamin E as olive oil) with Greek yogurt and apply to clean skin. It’ll leave you and the party guests glowing! 3. Make DIY bath bombs: we love this at-home recipe. 4. Photo station: set up a photo corner with patriotic accessories and a polaroid camera to stay unplugged – and make the memories last without spending the whole time glued to your smartphone to get the perfect pic.