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By Susan Tomback, exhale’s VP of Sales + Marketing

Continuing my candid conversation concerning my compulsion for complete skin care, I confess to crave another antioxidant concurrently with Retinol; the culprit: Vitamin C (that’s correct, the same vitamin we consume to cure the common cold). Creating collagen to counteract crevices, combating cancer-causing free radicals, and strengthening collapsed capillaries are compelling causes to covet this topical vitamin in cream (or serum) form.

Vitamin C is a critical component for the creation of collagen, which is crucial to the constitution of the skin. Without collagen, skin will crumple and come across lackluster. Vitamin C coerces collagen to encourage connectivity between the cells, thus conceivably counteracting the occurrence of creases in the skin.

Counterbalancing the consequences of free radicals is a core function of antioxidants collectively. Vitamin C has the extra advantage of contributing photo protection and can be used as a cover against those cruel UV rays.

Vitamin C cooperates in the reconstruction of collapsed capillaries whose composition has been compromised. Vitamin C causes the fortification of structural components within capillary walls, and creates clear coasting for blood to cure and cleanse the skin. Caved in capillaries create dark under eye circles and red-colored contours: characteristics worth correcting!

Making conscientious skin care choices is comfortingly easy with antioxidants in the composition of many face creams. My chosen C creams are ISClinical C EYE SERUM ADVANCE+ (combats capillaries incredibly!) and ISClinical Youth Serum which combines a powerful blend of antioxidants, including vitamins A, C, E, (feels like cornsilk on your skin!). With recurring use, your skin will convalesce to excellence!

Convinced?…C ya later!