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The world of fitness is constantly evolving; from advances in digital platforms, trends in wearable technology, to an ever-growing emphasis on total wellbeing. As we move into 2020, there are a number of significant trends that are projected to catapult the fitness industry into the new decade. With the innovation and expertise of our fitness leaders at Exhale, we are constantly aligning ourselves with the advances in fitness. We’ve broken down the top projected fitness trends of 2020 and how we will continue to deliver the future of fitness to our Exhale guests every day.

Group fitness
It is a lot easier to stick to a routine when you have a built-in support system of like-minded wellbeing warriors surrounding you. To maintain consistency in our busy lives, it’s important to sustain connections to others in a high-energy and motivational environment! According to the American College of Sports Medicine, “group classes are designed to be effective, motivational sessions for different fitness levels with instructors teaching many types of classes.” Studies found that in 2020, the rise of group exercise will continue to flourish…and we are here and ready.

Meditation within workouts
The backbone of 2020 fitness is built on balance. When we’re working hard, and grinding, it’s imperative to counteract the fast pace with moments of mindfulness, calm and disconnection. Every Exhale fitness class, from HIIT 30 to barre, incorporates an ending mindful moment in order to bring your workout full circle. Additionally, classes like yoga, and recovery give your body the full opportunity to rebalance and restore. Leave your phones in your locker, focus on your presence, and reap the benefits of mindful fitness.

Hybrid Fitness
This on-the-rise method of combining workouts is becoming increasingly popular in the fitness world. This dual-modality class style often combines high-intensity bursts of energy along with rejuvenating stillness and stretching. Exhale’s Barre + Cardio, HIIT + Recovery, and Barre + Recovery have taken the industry by storm, incorporating all paces into your balanced 2020 routine.

At-Home Workouts
As the nature of our day-to-day lives continues to evolve, many of us often find ourselves working from home or while travelling. More working from home means more opportunity to set aside time for yourself. On Demand fitness gives you the freedom to take your favorite fitness classes at any time. Whether you need a mindful meditation session in the middle of your at-home workday, or you want to fit in a high-energy sweat session in your hotel room, Exhale On Demand gives you the freedom to practice wellbeing on your time.

Join us in elevating your routine and starting off the year on a strong note!