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Hometown: Charlestown aka Chuck-town, Ma
What I do at exhale: Mind-Body Manager at exhale Battery Wharf

My background: I grew up in Lynnfield, Ma. I played 3 sports in high school at Tabor Academy. I then attended Union College where I played 4 years of college lacrosse. In addition to being a Core Fusion devotee, I am an avid runner completing 6 marathons in the last 7 years.
My certificationsCore Fusion; I am in the process of completing my 200 hr yoga alliance certification via exhale!
Favorite neighborhood spot: Waterfront, Starbucks on Commercial Street
My favorite local restaurant is: Vito’s because their bacon cheeseburger is the best thing I’ve ever tasted.
What’s in my gym bag: Sweaty, smelly workout clothes and hopefully a Kind bar
What song do I have on repeat: Any Chromeo song from their White Woman album
What’s in my refrigerator right now: Almond Milk, blueberries, eggs, and always a roll of raw cookie dough
My typical day: Eat, sleep, Core Fusion, repeat!
When I’m not teaching, I take class with: Chrissy Snyder because she can make me laugh even when I feel like my legs are about to explode in thigh work
When I’m not at exhale: In the summer, I’m running the Charles River. In the winter, I’m watching Showtime’s Shameless on my lazy boy couch.
Fun Fact about myself: I am one of 6 kids in my family and my nickname growing up was the “General.”
I’ll admit it, my quirk is: I eat peanut butter out of the jar every day.
At my core, I am: grateful for my friends and family.

Find me online!
Twitter: @milburyc
Instagram: Cmilbury