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By: Emily McNeely, exhale enthusiast, copywriter, dancer and (newly committed) Barre + Yoga devotee

It’s why I fell in love with exhale in the first place: balance. Whether it’s the balance of spa and fitness, of energy and mindfulness, of strength and flexibility — or the challenging balance in chair position on the mat, heels up, arms stretched wide, finding your center. That’s why I fell in love with exhale’s new class, Barre + Yoga.

The latest brainchild of exhale’s co-founder, former ballet dancer, and barre legend Elisabeth Halfpapp, Barre + Yoga blends two classes into one powerful, balanced hour. For the first half of class, you’re in Core Fusion Barre mode — toning up with hand weights, planks, thigh and glute work.

Then, seamlessly, you switch gears and move into an athletic yoga flow. After a series of Warrior sequences, you move to seated yoga poses and a core section, complete with the classic Core Fusion curl. Then you end the hour with a mindful moment in Savasana.

Call it your not-so-average barre class with a mindfulness boost and a few Power flows, or a not-so-average yoga class with sculpting moves to change your body. But don’t let the yoga portion catch you off-guard — you’ll break a sweat and keep moving throughout the hour.

We’re used to doing downward dog and Warrior pose in one class, and arm weights and curl in another. This is the first time I’d ever done it all in one hour and it’s officially my new go-to class.

Ready to see what all the hype is about? Try it now in NYC and book now for the National Launch on June 26.