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Your desk job – aka the ultimate struggle in terms of staying active. However, we’ve got the perfect recipe for making the most of your desk job and utilizing your time in a healthy and productive way. These small changes will make a big difference in your concentration, energy and your day-to-day mood. Take charge of your desk space and try these sustainable strategies that will make your work lifestyle much healthier and happier.  

  1. Schedule fitness sessions Sneak out on your lunch break for an hour of active rejuvenation! You’ll feel stronger, enlivened and ready to take on whatever the afternoon brings you.
  2. Stand up! Invest in a standing desk and switch off between sitting and standing throughout the day to keep your blood flowing, your creative gears moving, and your metabolism running. This will also ultimately improve your posture, leaving you standing taller — and stronger.
  3. Take the stairs Opting for the stairs is the perfect way to fit in an extra blast of activity! Try to make a point of taking the stairs at least three times a week so you don’t get too dependent on that elevator.
  4.  Hydrate Staying hydrated throughout the day keeps you sharp and helps you manage your appetite. Try to make the right hydration decisions so you don’t overload on sugar and crash!
  5. Walk or Bike to work Take the scenic route, and make the most of your morning commute. Walking or biking to work is a very healthy way to fit in some additional steps and will make arriving at work that much more gratifying.
  6. Healthy snacks to avoid mid-day munchies Spread out your meals throughout your day to keep your hunger at bay and your energy on high! Opt for a handful of almonds or some Greek yogurt with honey.
  7. Take short breaks to maintain focus and increase energy Take some time for yourself throughout your day. Step away from your desk and take a walk, or fit in some stretching.
  8. Get moving at your desk! Keep a pair of light weights under your desk and do some bicep curls during one of your breaks! Or simply close your eyes and do some deep breathing and shoulder rolls to get the blood flowing and re-center your focus.
  9. Talk to HR about fitness perks Many companies offer discounts to local gyms/fitness studios to encourage a healthy and productive lifestyle. Contact your nearest Exhale about adding membership perks and discounts to your place of work.