Always wanted to become a morning-workout person, but never knew where to start? These go-to tips from exhale experts, teachers, and team members might actually turn you into a morning person. Read on — then book your next morning class here! Holly Keskey, teacher at exhale Chicago
- Set 5 alarms! Sounds insane but it keeps you from hitting the snooze and going right back to sleep. By alarm number 5, you’re annoyed by the noise and awake.
- Drink a full glass of cold water before your coffee.
- Make it a date. If you have a friend join and you flake at 6AM… there are repercussions for that!
- The longer you do it, the more it becomes a habit!”
Jesse Lujan, teacher + leader at exhale Los Angeles
- I have an early dinner so that I don’t feel full when I go to sleep. I usually try and eat as soon as I get home from work 530 or 6pm.
- I give myself time to settle down (decompress) before I go to bed. Let’s my mind let go the stresses of the day so I can fall asleep easier.
- I set my alarm for a time after my body naturally wakes up. (Just in case I decide to “sleep in”). Also, it doesn’t feel jarring to the mind hearing the alarm go off.
- I give myself extra time to wake up. At least an hour to an hour and a half before I need to leave. This gives my body and mind time to wake up. I have a full breakfast and still have time to get myself ready and out the door. It also helps in starting the day with less stress since I’m not rushing out the door.
- I prep my next day supplies (food, change of clothes, etc!) the night before so I don’t have to stress about getting it together in the morning.”
Elisabeth Halfpapp, exhale program co-creator and EVP of mind body programming at exhale HQ
To help my energy, the first thing I do in the morning is have a big glass of water. Helps to hydrate and get your blood flowing! I wake up 2 hours before I have to teach, so I can start my day with calm, relaxed, balanced, and focused energy — and to have enough time to SIT and have breakfast! Breakfast is usually protein and a carb with Nespresso! Holly Griffin, teacher at exhale Atlanta
- Prepare – do as much as you can for the next day the night before! Lay out your clothes, pack your lunch, I even have my coffeemaker on autopilot!
- Make it a habit — the first week or so will feel very challenging. Getting up early takes some getting used to, but it’s so worth it! Early workouts make your day so productive… they definitely keep my energy up all day!
- Bring friends! Get some early-morning fitness pals and be accountable. I’m talking group-text inspiration accountable! Who’s taking HIIT at 6AM?!??”
Fred DeVito, exhale program co-creator and EVP of mind body programming at exhale HQ
For me, I prepare as much as I can the night before….my pot of fresh ground coffee that just needs to be plugged in and my daily nutri-bullet drink that I take with me as I head out the door in the morning. Also, a hard-boiled egg gives me a good protein base for the morning classes! Thalia Bardell, teacher at exhale Boston
- Pack your bag the night before and leave your workout clothes right by your bed.
- Don’t give yourself too much time to think about it, set your alarm to give you just enough time to get out of bed, grab your stuff, and get to class on time.
- Have something to look forward to after – whether that’s a favorite coffee spot or a good breakfast!”
Raphaelle Kessedjian, teacher at exhale New York
“Remember how it feels afterwards! I think my main motivation to wake up early to work out is because it will set my mood and energy for the rest of the day. An exhale class will wake you up the right way and give you so much energy to accomplish whatever you want to accomplish during the day. That one hour that you spend for your body will go a long way!” John Nelson, teacher at exhale New York
Pay in advance!! (LOL, JK.) I would say find the perfect protein smoothie – make it the night before or first thing and it’ll wake you right up before the workout! Tracee Badway, teacher at exhale Chicago
Put it in your calendar! Ask a friend to come and require some accountability. When you have a buddy, you are more likely to show up! Remember how you feel after class when you don’t want to get out of bed in the morning. It’s always worth it! Also, after work you’re officially free. Ready to put these tips in action? Book your next morning class here!