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By: Catherine Hesse, Senior Core Fusion Teacher and Hollistic Health Counselor

“April is HERE!”……ah such sweet words. Finally the chill in the air has a warmth to it, the sun feels different, and with the smell of new life, we can’t help but stand taller and breath deeper.  As Mother Nature is waking up from her winter getaway, we can’t help but be drawn to do the same, and even though April is never as warm as we think it will be, it still draws us to shed unwanted, unneeded layers and inspire our personal spring awakening to renew our best self from the inside out.

Get off the Couch and in to Class!

Winter often entices us to skip our workouts for a little extra cozy time inside. Don’t’ worry, you aren’t crazy, your body naturally wants you to slow down and surrender. But now that winter is over, let the bright sun, the longer days, and the new life bustling outside inspire you off the couch and out the door. Join the fresh energy of fellow Core Fusion lovers who are looking to boost their fitness commitment to a new level. Exhale’s classes will get you beach body ready, while sweating those winter blues away.

Put away the winter blues!

Winter is important to bring us inward towards reflection. However, it can often bring on mild winter depression.  Now that winter is over, fight those leftover blues by getting outside and take in the new life around you. Take time to notice the smells, the sun, and the budding trees. A simple 10 minute walk every day will reduce stress, increase your vitamin D levels, and find you literally springing to your next item on the to-do list!

Out of the dark and into the light!

Winter foods are mostly dark, hearty, and dense. Now that Spring is here, you might notice you feel less pull towards the soup, and more towards the salad.  Listen to your body. In April, Nature’s focus is on new growth but signs of winter are still around, thus so should your food plate be. Right now so much green is growing around us, but we are still in transition, so when considering your meal planning, focus on bringing your winter staples a makeover! Throw your winter squash and sweet potatoes in with some quinoa, walnuts, dried cranberries, and dried apricots. Add fresh mint, and organic plain yogurt, and you have a light twist on hearty winter staple.

Spring might be the most celebrated season of the year. It is a time we experience a  very special mind/body connection. We have a collective renewal of senses and appreciation for the life and people around us. So before the nice weather becomes an everyday occurrence, go outside, shed the unneeded layers, take a deep breath, and let spring reawaken your best self.