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The thirst is real. The weather is hot, we’re kicking butt in class, and we’ve got to stay hydrated! When it comes to replenishing your thirst, before you grab the nearest refreshment in sight, take a moment to make a healthy decision about what you’re going to hydrate with. Some liquids can be a source of excellent vitamins and nutrients, while others can be packed with sugar and disguised with unnecessary calories. While we believe in the balance of all things scrumptious, we also believe that when it comes to hydrating, it’s important to make the right decision. Let’s walk through the do’s and the don’ts of healthy hydration!          


  1. Water Essential for our bodies. Hydrates us, keeps our digestive system clean and zero calories. Add a splash of citrus or fresh berries for a naturally sweet essence/infusion.
  2. Green Tea High levels of polyphenols which can help to prevent specific types of cancer. Helps to keep your appetite balanced and your insides calm.
  3. Pomegranate Juice This vibrant fruit juice is packed to the rim with antioxidants and immune-boosting vitamin C.
  4. Kombucha Every health enthusiast’s go-to elixir. Fermented and packed with probiotics, this beverage promotes healthy bacteria in the belly and aids in digestion and the absorption of vitamins!
  5. Coconut Water This refreshing and light drink is undoubtedly hydrating and provides a high level of potassium. Add a splash into a smoothie or drink on its own!


  1. Diet or regular soda Empty calories and boat loads of sugar. While its harmless as an occasional treat, regularly guzzling soda can lead to issues stemmed from sugar intake such as diabetes. Diet soda, while it may have no calories, it still does not have any nutritional value. Swap the soda for something that serves you, and your body.
  2. Sweet juice drinks Anything labeled “juice drinks” or “cocktail” are most likely loaded with sugar and won’t provide you with the cleanest form of hydration.
  3. Energy drinks Unnatural amounts of caffeine and loads of sugar that will cause you to crash right after your short-lived energy boost. Opt for natural forms of caffeine like coffee or green tea!