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By: Madison Wright, MS
Blog Coordinator + Core Fusion Teacher

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month – a time when women and men around the world unite wearing the color pink in support of breast cancer survivors, and for those that we’ve lost, as a symbol of hope for a cure.

As you gear up to participate or donate to your favorite charity or event that supports breast cancer this month, keep in mind that there are many things that you can do personally to help yourself in the prevention of breast cancer. First and foremost, use awareness and make sure you know about the signs and symptoms. The Susan G. Komen Foundation has tons of helpful information and tools available on their website regarding detection, awareness and signs and symptoms. And for all the men out there, although rare, keep in mind that breast cancer doesn’t just affect women.

So what can all of us do, men and women alike, to help ourselves in the prevention of the disease? We can keep up a healthy diet and regular exercise regime! There are thousands of studies that underline regular exercise, a healthy bodyweight and a good diet as crucial elements in your key to prevention. And while there are some risk factors that are out of your control, such as age and genetic predisposition, a good diet, regular exercise and a healthy bodyweight are all within your reach!

We here at exhale support any regular movement regime as a part of breast cancer prevention; however we are partial to the benefits of our Core Fusion and Yoga programs. Regular visits to Core Fusion Barre classes, we’ll keep your muscles strong and your bones dense helping support a lifetime of healthy movement. Classes like Core Fusion Cardio, Core Fusion Extreme and Core Fusion Sport will help you improve your cardiovascular fitness, helping you support healthy blood flow, a strong heart and a tip top immune system. Our Vinyasa and Yin Yoga classes will keep your body and mind balanced, an essential part of prevention when it comes to stress sensitive diseases.

We’re calling on YOU this October to get up and move for a cure! Not just for our near and dear family and friends, but for you too. So this month as you suit up with your pink gear to run a race or walk through the streets of New York City in the middle of the night with nothing but your bra on, remember, you’re not just helping find a cure for breast cancer, you’re helping in prevention too!