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Life is inevitable, but stress is not. The way that we react to difficult situations becomes the moment where we can choose whether or not to allow stress to surface. To help you strengthen your resistance to stressful thoughts and feelings, we’ve developed a defense plan that works like a charm.  

  1. Move it Whether you’re sweating it out or stretching it out, physical movement is a great way to channel whatever energy you’d normally put towards stress, into something productive and healthy. Release your tension and try some Power Yoga for a dynamic and positive sweat session or Chill Yoga to wind down and mentally disconnect. Stressed for time? HIIT 30 is a half hour of non-stop movement that will leave you feeling exhilarated.
  2. Snooze it We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again; you need your sleep. Stress often starts to creep up on us towards the end of the day, when we are worn out and filled to the brim with thoughts. Instead of surrendering to the stress, start your evening routine an hour earlier. Get cozy, take a few minutes to clear your mind with a sleep-focused meditation, and drift off to dream land. A good night’s sleep will quiet your mind and bring you one step closer to a fresh start and a cup of coffee.
  3. Commit to me-time It’s easy to get lost in the day-to-day hustle, and even easier to lose sight of what’s most important — yourself.  When life gets overwhelming our personal wellbeing is usually the first thing to get dropped, when in fact, it’s the most important thing to focus on. Because when all is well within you, you can take on anything life throws at you. Enter: Me-time. This can look different to everyone —but the important thing is that it makes you feel good. Whether it’s going for a hike, curling up with a good book, or scheduling some spa time, adding me-time to your calendar will leave you feeling better and more in control of the daily grind. To help add me-time to your calendar, we’re offering 30% off of a 60-minute True Facial or Fusion Massage, Monday –  Friday through April, 2019. Book your therapy here!
  4. Get outta town That’s right, pack your bags and go! A change of scenery is a refreshing and healing way to strengthen your immunity to stress and to recharge your body and mind. Whether it’s a day trip away from the city or embarking on a renewing adventure like this retreat with Well+ Good, travel on any scale will fuel your body and balance your mind. You’ll eat, you’ll rest, you’ll sweat, and you WON’T stress.
  5. Keep things light Staying positive and finding the good within every situation is a sure fire way to keep stress at bay. Surround yourself with people that make you laugh. Take part in experiences that make you happy and keep you inspired. If you don’t give stress the chance to make an appearance in your life, it won’t stick around.