Hometown: Orlando, Florida

What I do at exhaleCore Fusion teacher, Flatiron Studio manager, Nutritionist

My background: Food, Health and Fitness

My certifications: Bachelors in Dietetics in Nutrition, Masters of Science: Nutrition, Core Fusion Teacher Certified, Personal Training Certification

Favorite neighborhood spotJoe’s coffee in the west village. Their atmosphere, vibe and sort of nonchalant style is just darn cool!

My favorite local restaurant isSwine. I am all about a culinary delight that will awaken all five of my senses. No matter how many times I’ve been there, they continue to impress and excite my palate. Every time I am there, I find myself ordering half of the menu. It’s a lengthy visit, usually 2-3 hours, but worth every minute and every dollar. I like to describe myself as a voracious, health nut… haha!

What’s in my gym bag: An overabundance of pens (don’t ask), a stash of macadamia nuts (you never know when you’re going to get hungry), a spare pair of exhale socks and my notebook. I’m somewhat of an abstract thinker, so when I get an idea about a new song for a playlist, new ingredient for a recipe, or new exercise more for class, I like to write it down so I can analyze later and decide whether or not it should actually make it into action.

What song do I have on repeat: I am obsessed with Pearl Jam and bands of the 60s and 70s.. so I alternate between “Betterman” and “Sympathy for the Devil” (Rolling Stones). Oh.. and Muse! Matt Bellamy is possibly one of the most talented musicians of our time.

What’s in my refrigerator right now: What is not in my fridge?! Ha! Short ribs, Kefir, lots of vegetables (love Brussel Sprouts!), Wild Alaskan Salmon, Salmon Roe, lots of hard aged cheese and eggs.. I eat at least three whole eggs a day.

My typical day including meals: Wake up: Run the stairs in my apartment building to wake up my mind and body, make coffee, cook my eggs and then spend at least 20-30 minutes reading a book or reading journal articles about nutrition + exercise. Check emails. Head to the studio where I teach a couple classes throughout the day and manage the daily operations.. you can find me at the front desk just about anytime during the day, so pop by and say hi! I always try to take a Barre or Extreme class with my home girls Bergen Wheeler and Nicole Uribarri. I bring my lunch to work most days (left overs from the night before—I love the convenience of left overs!) or I order sushi off Seamless. Once I finish up work I hop on my city bike and ride on home. I grab a couple snacks – usually cheese, smoked salmon and olives. I then hit up the couch for 30-45 minutes with my boyfriend and we watch last night’s Jeopardy (I win a good 50% of the time!) followed by checking off a few things on the personal to do list and/or read my latest nutrition book. Then comes my favorite time of the day.. cooking dinner! I try to stick to a Paleo lifestyle.. so my dinners usually consist of meat or fish and vegetables and often times a glass of red wine. I am sucker for chocolate (what girl isn’t?!) So after dinner is all wrapped up, I hit up the chocolate (1-2 squares – then brush my teeth asap so I’m not tempted for more) and hit the sack.

When I’m not teaching, I take class with: Nicole Uribarri, Bergen Wheeler, Erin Carpenter and Antonella James. They are some of my favorites.. for all different reasons. Nicole: motivating, energetic, fun, and tough! Bergen: she keeps it moving man, like her flow and her intensity level. Erin: she’s like a secret weapon. She exudes this really calm– but effective- energy, so you move through class thinking “great I’m working hard and loving it.” The next day, soreness strikes you and you think.. OH Erin! You did it again! Antonella: she is such a thorough, knowledgeable, make you work hard teacher… love her classes!

When I’m not at exhale: I’m doing cooking classes at the ICE in Flatiron. Hitting up a nutrition seminar or webinars (love it when you get to stay in PJs!) to stay current. Trying out new recipes in the kitchen and food touring around the city! Food touring: I pick a neighborhood (Manhattan or Brooklyn) to try at least 3 different restaurants in one day. Once I sample about three, I start making my way back home (on foot) with about 2-3 restaurants on the way back too. Don’t worry, I’m not eating a whole meal at every restaurant…it’s normally apps and side dishes and of course paired with a delicious cocktail.

Fun Fact about myself: I hate cold food – with a passion. I’m somewhat afraid of the dark (still).. and I’m secretly obsessed with the ID and History channel (I’ve watched hundreds of documentaries on WW2.. I know, so weird)

I’ll admit it, my quirk is: I do not like to share food (you’ll never catch me sharing my tapas). I also find it very vexing when people don’t try, like they give up before even trying because “it’s going to be too hard mentally or physically” and they would rather not be bothered. I just don’t get that. I am of the mind set, that nothing in this world is just going to come to you, YOU have to go and get it! So please, if you want to lament about something you feel entitled to, please seek out someone else.

At my core, I am: a dreamer, a doer and a Firecracker! I dream of one day being one of the great iconoclasts of my time!

Find me online!
Twitter: @madfitnutrition
Instagram: @madfitnutrition