By: Madison Wright
Blog Coordinator + Core Fusion Teacher

Father’s Day is a national institution, every year on the third Sunday in June; we pay tribute and thanks to more than 70 million papas here in the United States. The year 1910 marked the first celebration of Father’s Day in honor of a widower raising six children all by himself. Not to mention the relentless, laborious effort it took to provide for and ensure the wellbeing of six children in the absence of modern technology. That man deserves an entire month of tribute and praise! A lot has changed since the inception of Father’s Day we’ve gone from the first Model-Ts to battery operated Teslas, from sending messages to friends in a matter of weeks to sending messages in a matter of seconds.

The 21st century has brought about an abundance of change, including what constitutes a father itself. That is why, this Father’s Day we choose to honor a man who has a baby of a different kind, her name is Core Fusion. While Fred may not have been helping with diaper changes and burp clothes, his fatherly duties did not come without the need for sweat and hard work. Fred poured his nurturing soul into raising what has now become one of the most successful workout methods in the country, Core Fusion Barre.

I had the chance to interview the Father of Core Fusion himself, Mr. Fred DeVito. You may know him as your incredible Barre teacher and with over 30 years of experience a very good one indeed, but Fred is also one of the founders of exhale and co-creators of the Core Fusion class. A true master of his field, he also has a plate full of responsibilities as the Executive V.P. of exhale enterprises. He doesn’t let that stop him from being a hands-on papa though, amongst many other things, he shared with me that he still loves spending time in the classroom as a teacher!

How does it feel to have such a famous, successful child (Core Fusion) that spreads so much joy and good health to the nation?

Fred: Well, honestly, Lis and I feel so grateful and blessed that we have the exhale engine which provides the opportunity for us to share this amazing work with so many students worldwide. We are living a dream!

As you’ve watched your baby grow over the years, what are some of the highlights of her evolution?

Fred: The “baby” was birthed back in the 80’s at the Lotte Berk Method where we both taught 36 classes a week for about 20 years. They say experience is the best teacher and Lis and I can both vouch for that! Starting exhale in 2001 gave us the platform to birth 28 properties (and growing) around the country as well as our 11 DVD’s and our upcoming book called “Barre Fitness” which comes out in a few months!

Think back to day one in the studio on Madison Ave… Did you ever think that your baby would become the household name that she has?

Fred: We knew that we had something very special with the Lotte Berk Method but we didn’t have the opportunity to share it with other than the select few who could come to those classes. We always visualized a day where more people could have access to barre fitness. Those days in the LBM townhouse helped launch a fitness revolution, as most of the barre franchises and studios have roots to our years with Lotte Berk. Barre classes are now the fastest growing segment of the fitness industry.

Exhale has one of the most recognizable names in the spa and fitness industry. With 28 current locations and plans to keep on growing, tell us, what is your secret to success?

Fred: To be honest, I think it’s as simple as loving what you do. I love my work. I love helping others improve their lives through the work that I do on a daily basis. I also have a deep love the people who work for us. Without the dedication, love and soulfulness of our teachers and associates, we would never be where we are today.

Your baby is the reason why tens and thousands of women around the world look and feel amazing. How does it feel to know you’re helping so many get to and stay in such good health?

Fred: It is humbling and amazing to know that so many lives are changed and so many people benefit from our work. This fact inspires me to work harder than ever to stay consistent, relevant, results producing and transformational. There is nothing better than to share the passion for movement with people who crave it and need it in order to stay healthy and balanced.

Can you tell us a few of your most memorable moments throughout the years?

Fred: What’s memorable is that I got into physical education because of my late father’s advice as a confused high school grad looking for a college direction. He taught me to do what I loved and everything else would fall into place and so far he has been right. Also, I give thanks to my wise mother who teaches me through her example every day how to care and love everyone who crosses her path. I truly love the people that I am blessed to engage and just like a “proud papa”, to see our young Barre Teacher Training graduates develop their wings and become teachers also makes my heart sing!

Lastly…something we all are dying to know, how does it feel to be surrounded by so many beautiful women all of the time?

Fred: To be honest, I am truly blessed to be surrounded by beautiful people in general, not just their bodies but their hearts and souls as well. Beautiful women are everywhere at exhale but I am married to the most exquisite woman I have ever met, Elisabeth Halfpapp, who allows me to just be myself and enjoy it all!