By Melissa O’Shea, Director of Nutrition, exhale

Spring has sprung and so has the produce that warmer temperatures bring. The changing of seasons is a time for new beginnings and the perfect opportunity to give your refrigerator and shopping list a refresh. Move over winter squash and make room for these veggies, which will be popping up at your local Farmer’s Market over the next several weeks!

Asparagus – One of the quintessential spring vegetables, asparagus is loaded with Vitamin K, which helps keep bones strong, and Folate, which promotes cardiovascular health. Roast the spears on a baking sheet with olive oil and a touch of sea salt and throw into omelets, salads and stir-fries.

Fennel – Known for its unique licorice-like flavor, fennel is filled with powerful antioxidants and is easy for the body to digest. It’s known for relieving gas, bloating and heartburn and enhances the immune system. Enjoy raw after meals or slice and throw into salads, soups or juices.

Green Peas – More powerful than they look, peas pack 8 grams of protein per cup, making them a good source of plant-based protein. With the addition of 9 grams of fiber in each cup, they make for a satiating addition to salads, soups and whole grain pasta dishes.

Watercress – These greens are rich in the mineral Iodine, which is essential to healthy thyroid function. You’ll also get a serving of the flavonoid quercetin, which acts as a natural anti-histamine – goodbye Spring allergies!

Radishes – Just one cup of this root veggie will supply you with 30% of your Vitamin C needs for the day in less than 25 calories. Thinly slice and add to salads, sandwiches or tacos or cut into chunks and dip in hummus. And don’t toss the green leaves – they’re a nutritious addition to salads, green juices and smoothies.

Happy Spring clean-eating!